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Shifts in the Church

Written by 

Kate Williams

We know change is constant – the landscape we live in seems to be ever-shifting. How we respond to these shifts can allow us to adapt and thrive. At Masterworks, we’ve been immersed in dynamic conversations with our clients, exploring the fundamental shifts that shape Christian non-profit organizations and their fundraising programs. It’s been a journey of discovery! One particular shift that has captured our attention is the evolution of the church’s demographics in America and we’re diving deep to understand its implications.

If you’re like me, you have noticed fewer young people attending church services. You may also have family members and friends in their 30s and 40s who do not prioritize religious affiliation or regular church attendance. The church in America is changing. Younger generations are less likely to identify with a religion, and those who do are more diverse.

According to the Pew Research Center, as recently as the early 90s about 90% of U.S. adults identified as Christians. Today, that number is closer to 63%, and there is a growing trend away from the Christian church.

These changing demographics of Christianity in America have important implications for fundraising efforts, especially for direct response fundraising.

Traditionally, direct response fundraising for faith-based organizations has been focused on an older, Christian audience. While this demographic remains a generous donor base, it is shrinking and it’s crucial for ministries to consider how to engage with the next generation of givers.

We also can’t ignore the rapidly changing media landscape. The print piece that performs well for a 65-year-old isn’t likely what’s going to get a 40-year-old to give. But that text you just sent them — or the YouTube video they watched — might inspire them to take action and give to your ministry.

The way we communicate holds significance. In addition to different media channels, each generation and community has a unique way of expressing themselves. Recognizing and understanding the way your donors and prospects communicate — and how they discuss ministries like yours — demonstrates that you truly want to connect with your donors.

Finally, as younger generations leave, or grow less acquainted with, the church, it becomes crucial to assess how your brand wants to engage, and welcome in, the unchurched. By evaluating your communication approach, you can effectively reach out and connect with those who may be less inclined toward a specific religious affiliation.

Expanding your channel mix, testing offers, messaging, creative approach — all of these things will be important in the years ahead. To effectively engage donors and increase revenue, ministries must consider how they can communicate their message in a way that speaks to a broader, younger, and more diverse audience.

Where do you start? Take some time this week and talk with your team about the differences you have seen in the demographics of your ministry partners, donors, ministry recipients, volunteers, and staff. Then engage with your partners to ensure that your messaging aligns with your future goals.

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